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Ever wondered why your dental health seems to fluctuate with different stages of your life? You’re not alone. The interplay between women’s hormones and dental health is a fascinating minefield that every woman should understand. Hormonal changes can significantly impact your oral health, and being aware of these changes can help you maintain a healthy smile throughout your life. We speak to Specialist Periodontist and Clinical Director at Pure Periodontics, Dr. Neesha Patel to understand more about hormones and how they affect women’s dental health.

Understanding Hormones and Dental Health

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers, playing a crucial role in regulating various functions, including growth, metabolism, and mood. In women, hormones like estrogen and progesterone also influence reproductive health and other bodily systems, including dental health.

Dr. Neesha tells us: “Women and men can experience similar dental issues and gum disease, but hormonal fluctuations unique to women can sometimes increase their susceptibility to certain oral health problems.

“During puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, hormonal changes can affect the gums and other oral tissues, potentially leading to increased sensitivity, inflammation, and susceptibility to gum disease.

“However, it’s essential to note that maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly, can help mitigate these risks for both men and women.

“Ultimately, individual factors such as genetics, overall health, lifestyle habits such as smoking, and oral hygiene practices play significant roles in determining one’s susceptibility to dental issues and gum disease, regardless of gender.”

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Women’s Hormonal Changes

Women experience several hormonal shifts throughout their lives, each bringing their own challenges and effects on dental health. Dr. Neesha says: “Hormonal gingivitis refers to gum inflammation that occurs in response to hormonal changes, particularly fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone levels. Hormonal gingivitis typically manifests as swollen, tender, and sometimes bleeding gums, and it often occurs during times of hormonal shifts such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.”


Puberty causes significant hormonal changes. “During puberty, surges in hormones like oestrogen and progesterone can lead to increased blood flow to the gums, making them more prone to sensitivity and inflammation,” says Dr. Neesha. “Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are essential during this phase to prevent gum disease and other oral health issues.”

Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle involves monthly hormonal fluctuations, primarily estrogen and progesterone. These changes can affect the gums, leading to symptoms like swelling, bleeding, and tenderness, particularly just before menstruation.

“The menstrual cycle can affect oral health in several ways,” says Dr. Neesha. “Hormonal changes may exacerbate symptoms of gum disease, such as swelling and bleeding gums, particularly in the days leading up to menstruation. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and seeking professional dental care can help manage these symptoms effectively.”

Dr. Neesha adds: “Some hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, may affect oral health by increasing the risk of gum inflammation and oral contraceptive-induced gingivitis. Women using hormonal contraceptives should be vigilant about oral hygiene practices and schedule regular dental check-ups to monitor their oral health status.”


Pregnancy is a period of heightened hormonal activity, particularly estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can increase the risk of gum disease, including pregnancy gingivitis, and more severe periodontal issues.

“Pregnancy brings about significant hormonal shifts, which can impact oral health,” says Dr. Neesha. “Pregnant women may experience pregnancy gingivitis, characterised by swollen, tender gums. Hormonal changes can also increase the risk of developing cavities and gum disease. Regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene, and a balanced diet are vital for maintaining oral health during pregnancy, benefiting both the mother and the baby.”


Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years, characterised by a significant decrease in estrogen levels. This reduction can cause dry mouth, burning sensations, and increased sensitivity, impacting overall oral health.

Dr. Neesha tells us: “During menopause, declining oestrogen levels can lead to changes in oral tissues, including decreased saliva production and increased susceptibility to oral infections and bone loss. Women going through menopause should prioritise preventive dental care and adopt habits that promote oral and overall health, such as staying hydrated, consuming calcium-rich foods, and practicing good oral hygiene.”

Impact of Puberty on Dental Health

During puberty, hormone surges can lead to swollen and tender gums. This condition, known as puberty gingivitis, is common but manageable with proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits.

Menstrual Cycle and Dental Health

Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can lead to increased gum sensitivity and bleeding. Some women might notice canker sores or swollen salivary glands. Maintaining a consistent oral care routine can significantly reduce these symptoms.

Dr. Neesha talks through how your period affects your gums.

Increased Sensitivity: “Hormonal changes during menstruation can make the gums more sensitive, leading to heightened awareness of discomfort or tenderness in the gum tissue.”

Swelling and Inflammation: “Fluctuations in hormone levels can exacerbate inflammation in the gums, causing them to become swollen, red, and potentially more prone to bleeding, especially during brushing or flossing.”

Menstrual Gingivitis: “Some women may experience an exacerbation of gingivitis (gum inflammation) in the days leading up to menstruation. This condition, known as menstrual gingivitis, is characterised by increased gum sensitivity, swelling, and bleeding.”

Hormonal Migraines: “Hormonal changes associated with menstruation can also trigger migraines in some individuals, which may indirectly affect oral health by causing changes in eating habits, oral hygiene practices, or sensitivity to dental treatments.”

Pregnancy and Dental Health

Pregnancy brings a whole new level of hormonal changes. The increased levels of estrogen and progesterone can make gums more susceptible to plaque, leading to pregnancy gingivitis. In some cases, untreated gum disease can progress to periodontitis, a more serious condition that requires medical attention.

Menopause and Dental Health

The decrease in estrogen during menopause can lead to several dental health issues. Reduced salivary flow can cause dry mouth, increasing the risk of infections and tooth decay. Moreover, menopausal women might experience burning mouth syndrome, characterised by a burning sensation in the tongue and other areas of the mouth.

Common Dental Issues Linked to Hormonal Changes

Gum Disease

Hormonal changes can exacerbate gum disease. Symptoms include swollen, bleeding gums, and if left untreated, it can lead to more severe conditions like periodontitis.

Dry Mouth

Hormonal fluctuations can affect saliva production, leading to dry mouth. This condition increases the risk of tooth decay and infections due to the lack of saliva, which helps cleanse the mouth and neutralise acids.

Tooth Decay

Changes in hormone levels can alter the mouth’s environment, making teeth more susceptible to decay. Practicing proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits are crucial to prevent cavities.

Black Woman at Dental Hygienist Examination - Women's Hormones and Dental Health

Preventive Dental Care for Women

To combat these issues, regular dental check-ups are essential. Your dentist can provide professional cleanings, identify potential problems early, and offer personalised advice for maintaining optimal oral health.

Proper Oral Hygiene Practices

Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can keep your gums and teeth healthy. Consider using a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritating sensitive gums.

Diet and Nutrition

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is vital for dental health.

Foods That Promote Dental Health

Incorporate foods high in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and almonds, to strengthen your teeth.

Nutrients Essential for Strong Teeth and Gums

Ensure you’re getting enough calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus to maintain strong teeth. Vitamin C is also crucial for healthy gums, so include citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers in your diet.

Managing Hormones and Dental Health

Every stage of life requires different dental care strategies.

Tips for Different Life Stages:

  • Puberty: Encourage good oral hygiene habits early on.
  • Menstruation: Maintain regular oral care and monitor for changes.
  • Pregnancy: Schedule a dental check-up early in pregnancy and follow your dentist’s advice.
  • Menopause: Stay hydrated and use products designed for dry mouth.

Dr. Neesha Patel’s top tips to maintaining good dental hygiene as a woman

  1. Electric Toothbrush: “Opt for an electric toothbrush to ensure thorough cleaning and plaque removal, which is especially crucial for preventing gum disease and maintaining overall oral health.”
  2. Interdental Cleaning: “Regularly clean between your teeth using floss, interdental brushes, or water flossers to remove food particles and plaque from areas that your toothbrush might miss.”
  3. Tongue Scraping: “Incorporate daily tongue scraping ideally in the morning with a copper tongue cleaner to eliminate bacteria and debris from the tongue’s surface, helping to freshen breath and reduce the risk of oral infections.”
  4. Coconut Oil Pulling: “Consider integrating coconut oil pulling into your oral hygiene routine to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth, promote gum health, and potentially whiten teeth. However, it’s essential to use oil pulling as a supplement to regular brushing and flossing, not a replacement.”
  5. Regular Dental Check-ups: “Schedule routine dental check-ups to monitor your oral health, detect any issues early, and receive professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup.”
  6. Consultation with a Specialist Periodontist: “If you have concerns about gum health or have a family history of gum disease, seek a consultation with a specialist periodontist for a more comprehensive evaluation and personalised treatment plan.”
  7. Hygiene Appointments: “Consider visiting a specialised periodontal practice for regular hygiene appointments, where advanced treatments such as air flow therapy and laser bacterial reduction may be available to enhance your oral health.”
  8. Well-Balanced Diet: “Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to provide essential nutrients for healthy teeth and gums.”
  9. Vitamin D and Probiotics: “Ensure adequate intake of vitamin D and consider incorporating probiotics into your diet or as supplements to support oral and overall health.”
  10. Supplements: “Explore appropriate supplementation options like Athletic Greens or other supplements recommended by your healthcare provider to fill in any nutritional gaps and support your dental and overall well-being.”
  11. Stress Management and Meditation: “Manage stress levels through mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga, as stress can contribute to teeth grinding (bruxism) and other oral health issues.”
  12. Good Sleep Hygiene: “Prioritise quality sleep by practicing good sleep hygiene habits, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensuring a comfortable sleep environment.”

Special Considerations During Pregnancy and Menopause

Pregnant women should avoid elective dental procedures but continue regular check-ups. Menopausal women might benefit from saliva substitutes and specific oral care products to manage dry mouth.

Role of the Dentist

Your dentist plays a vital role in managing your oral health through different hormonal stages.

How Dentists Can Help

Dentists can offer tailored advice, tailored treatments for gum disease, and recommendations for oral care products suited to your needs.

Importance of Communicating Hormonal Changes to Your Dentist

Always inform your dentist about any hormonal changes or treatments you’re undergoing. This information helps them provide the best possible care.

Myths and Facts about Hormones and Dental Health

Common Misconceptions About Hormones and Dental Health

Myth: Hormonal changes only affect women during pregnancy.

Fact: Hormonal changes can impact dental health at any stage of life.

Evidence-Based Facts

Hormonal fluctuations can increase the risk of gum disease.

Maintaining good oral hygiene can mitigate many hormone-related dental issues.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

Hearing from other women can be encouraging and insightful. Many have successfully managed their dental health through various hormonal changes with proactive care and regular dental visits.

Understanding the link between hormones and dental health empowers women to take control of their oral health. Regular dental check-ups, proper hygiene practices, and a healthy diet are key to maintaining a beautiful smile at all stages of life.

Pure Periodontics Clinic London - All-Female Dental Team - Hormones and Dental Health Guide

Dr. Neesha Patel works with an all-female team at her clinic Pure Periodontics in Liverpool Street. Periodontics is a specialised branch of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. To find out more or book in with Dr. Neesha or one of her team, visit:


  • Jennifer Read-Dominguez

    Jennifer Read-Dominguez is editor of The Women's Journal with over ten years experience in the media and publishing industry. Jennifer has led the digital transformation strategies for many market-leading lifestyle magazines putting SEO and e-commerce at the forefront. She is also founder of Jeneration Public Relations - a UK digital-first public relations and communications consultancy that provides strategic coverage for clients.

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